A cine-theatre in nine letters

994th Theatre Production by Teatro da Garagem
Texts by Miguel Torga
Directed by Carlos J. Pessoa

30 JAN – 3 FEB 2018 | Art Residence in São Martinho de Anta, Vila Real and Bragança
16 – 19 MAR 2018 | Artistic Residence in Bragança and Vila Real
13 & 14 APR 2018 | 2:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. | Municipal Theatre of Bragança (PREMIERE)
[vinte e sete – Festival de Teatro]
20 & 21 APR 2018 | 2:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. | Municipal Theatre of Vila Real
[vinte e sete – Festival de Teatro]
24 APR 2018 | 9:30 p.m. | Gil Vicente Academic Theatre
[20th Cultural Week of the University of Coimbra]


The word Liberdade [Freedom] is the motto of this show about Miguel Torga. The spelling of Freedom is the nexus of the dramaturgical proposal; each letter corresponds to the beginning of another word that we consider necessary, constitutive, of the semantic content of Freedom.

The texts by Miguel Torga used in this show are mostly spoken by children of Vila Real and Bragança; we wanted the poet’s words to find their proper place in the innocent voices; without virtues or unnecessary embellishments, pure voices to discover the letters, the words, the phrases and the senses, without preconceptions or pomp. We wanted the newest Trans Montanan generations, in their free purity, to discover the author without censoring the “errors” of reading. This magnificent spelling, stammering or even not understanding the meaning, but being stunned, astonished, is, we believe, the best tribute to the living words of Miguel Torga.
In the same way we did not want to celebrate the landscape of the Trans Montana region in a “postcard” evocation; we prefer a scenic discourse based on metaphorical or metonymic evocation in the elaboration of a look that reverberates and echoes, throwing a haze of invisibility capable of capturing the mysterious dimension of Torguian writing; no image is therefore literal, they are also photogrammatic sequences that punctuate the possibility of a visual lexicon, so that each spectator discovers his own “mountain”, his “river”, his “freedom”, his “Torga”.

Carlos J Pessoa

Texts Miguel Torga Directing, Dramaturgy and Visual Concept Carlos J. Pessoa Acting Afonso Viriato, Ana Palma, Lara Matos, Maria João Vicente, Tiago Bôto and Wagner Borges Participants from Sabrosa (School EB2,3 Miguel Torga) Bruno Pinto, Catarina Carvalho, Diogo Januário, Diogo Nóbrega, Francisca, Laura Alves, Mafalda Rodrigues
Participants from Vila Real (School nº7 de Vila Real) Afonso Matias, Beatriz Pereira, Bruna Costa, Carolina Nascimento, Diego Dinis, Diogo Catarino, Fernando Pereira, Guilherme Alvadia, Ivan Balsa, João Paulo Fonseca, Lara Cruz, Laura Simão, Maria Fernandes, Pedro Feliciano, Pedro Martins, Rodrigo Pinto, Sara Matias, Soraia Fernandes Participants from Bragança (School Miguel Torga) Adriana Alves, Beatriz Torrão, Carolina Esteves, Clara Dias, David Pérez, Inês Fonseca, João Kol, João Lobão, Manuel Madeira, Margarida Versos, Maria Inês Vaz, Maria Relvas, Mariana Brás, Mariana Pires, Marta Genésio, Marta Sabim, Matilde Alves, Pedro Ferreira, Rodrigo Versos, Tiago Barreira, Tiago Rodrigues Participants from Bragança (Senior University) Adélia Ferreira, Albertina Cristóvão, Alda Flaire, Carlos Genésio, Elza Pires, Ema Rodrigues, Ernesto Rodrigues, Fernando Costa, Filomena Nascimento, Francisco Barreira, Helena Ferreira, José Alberto Alves, Maria Fátima Corujas, Sérgio Nascimento Original Music and Sound Design Daniel Cervantes Set and Costume Design Sérgio Loureiro Light Design Nuno Samora Light  Manuel Abrantes Video Technician Marília Maia e Moura Production Director Maria João Vicente Production and Communication Carolina Mano Assistant Producer and Photography Marília Maia e Moura

This show is a commission from the Municipal Theatres of Bragança and Vila Real, within the scope of the Algures a Nordeste programme. Coproducer Gil Vicente Academic Theatre

Duration 70 minutes | 12+


Os seguintes vídeos são privados, solicite-nos a palavra-passe para geral@teatrodagaragem.com

TORGA L.I.B.E.R.D.A.D.E. [Making of @Bragança]

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