Eurodram, the European network for drama in translation, is delighted to announce its 2018 selection of plays recommended for translation. These have been chosen by 282 members of 27 language committees, out of the 771 original plays received in 2017. As a point of interest, the highest number of texts were received in French, German and Serbo-Croatian.
Portuguese Committee 2018 Honours:
Português / Португальский / Portuguese [50]
★ Max e René (Max and René / Макс и Рене) # José Maria Vieira Mendes / Жозе Мария Виейра Мендеш
★ Olhando o céu estou em todos os séculos (When I look up to the sky I am present in all centuries / Глядя на небо, я на все столетия) # Abel Neves / Абел Невеш
★ Cinderela (Cinderella / Золушка) # Lígia Soares / Лигия Суареш
Menção Honrosa:
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