19 FEB 2019 | 14h00
What’s love got to do with it?
I stretch my foot and the heel touches the smooth warm flesh of a cheek; I turn left, with my back to the lamplight, and I’m met by a calm soft breath; I gesture casually in the dark and my hand, involuntary clasp of fingers, wrist, throbbing blood, falls over a warm naked breast or a baby’s little head, with a tuft of black fuzz on the top of a bald spot, the throbbing fontanelle; we breathe in each other’s mouths, we trade arms and legs, sweat puffs, with each other, for each other, so fit together, so wrapped up and tangled in the same heat as if our veins and arteries pumped the same blood in a circle, as if they throbbed regularly silently one single vivifying sap. Tradução de Constança Carvalho Homem
Luiz Pacheco, Community (1964)
Written by Luiz Pacheco
Directed by Ana Palma
Acting Ana Palma, André Simões, Constança Carvalho Neto, Diogo Lopes and Rita Monteiro
Production Teatro da Garagem
Partnership with Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
With the support of Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, EGEAC, Junta de Freguesia de Santa Maria Maior
Financed by Governo de Portugal l Ministério da Cultura e Direção-Geral das Artes
The boundaries between the public and the private sphere are gradually fading away. This sometimes implies a reduction in the active participation of citizens, who are transformed into mere spectators of other lives and intimacies amplified through the media. In turn, the media are creating new spaces for personal and collective expression by making these porous relations between the public and the intimate more visible, with a facility that was previously unimaginable.
Intimacy has become the center of public performances, with all its accompanying contradictions and paradoxes. This conference explores the ways in which contemporary performance both questions and reformulates our experiences and definitions of intimacy. How do artistic practices question the boundaries between the familiar and the unfamiliar, the individual and the collective? In what way do the media, the social networks and leading a life that is geared towards a global world affect our understanding of the spaces of intimacy? What are the new places of our affections and emotions?
For two days, artists and researchers will investigate the relationship between performance, intimacy and affection from an aesthetic as well as political and sociological point of view.
At the end of each session, a conversation with Catherine Wood (Monday) and Rabbya Naseer (Tuesday), curators and thinkers of contemporary art, is presented as they continue to deepen the topics covered throughout the day.
PARTNERS: IHA – Instituto de História da Arte, ICNOVA – Instituto de Comunicação da Nova, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, CEIS20-UC – Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares do séc. XX, FLUC
COLLABORATION: Teatro da Garagem
SCIENTIFIC COORDINATION: Bruno Marques, Cláudia Madeira, Fernando Matos Oliveira, Giulia Lamoni, Liliana Coutinho
SPECIAL GUESTS: Ana Pais, Luís Trindade, Manuel Lisboa, Susana Mendes Silva
+ info HERE
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