28 TO 30 NOV 2018 | 7:00 PM | Teatro Taborda
As part of the activities carried out by the Portuguese Committee of EURODRAM – European Network for Drama in Translation, Teatro da Garagem promotes once again a Public Readings cycle. This cycle is dedicated to contemporary Greek theatre texts, selected and translated by José António Costa Ideias, who will share his knowledge about contemporary Greek dramaturgy in each session.
EURODRAM is an European Network for Drama in Translation, whose objective is to promote the spreading, translation and dissemination of theatre texts between the different European, Mediterranean and Middle Asian languages. The members of the EURODRAM’s Portuguese Committee are Maria João Vicente, as coordinator, Alexandra Moreira da Silva, Fernando Matos Oliveira, Guilhermina Jorge, Helena Simões, José António Costa Ideias, Mickael de Oliveira, Nuno Carinhas and Nuno M. Cardoso. The network works in partnership with several structures, inscribing in a dynamic of residence of authors, of accompaniment of translators and of search of international partnerships.
TEATRO DA GARAGEM, founded in 1989, dedicates its artistic work to research and experimentation, through the investigation of new forms of dramatic writing and the new scenic forms that accompany it. In addition to its own creations [productions], from original texts by Carlos J. Pessoa, and the rereading of some paradigmatic texts of occidental dramaturgy, this Company develops a work of coming together to the community through the Educational Service. This year, after the May Readings, Teatro da Garagem introduces the Greek contemporary dramaturgy through the great translations by José António Costa Ideias.
28 NOV, 7:00P.M.
Reading of Θέλω μια χώρα, I want a country (rerun) by Andreas Flourakis (EURODRAM)
What now?
A change in perspective? A change of mind? Of me? Of us? A country change?
A text for those who cannot/do not want to enjoy a country as a safe place, a country as a protective place.
In a scenery of crisis (economical, financial, of values, of identity), personal and collective, you invent and reinvent (in a structure of flexible dramatic representation) a country adrift, like an island, I mean, an actual country, a Greece, but also a universal motherland.
José António Costa Ideias
Written by Andreas Flourakis Translation by José António Costa Ideias Reading Coordinator Ana Palma Acting Afonso Molinar, Catarina Moita, Inês Lago, Júlia Valente, Lara Matos, Martyn Gama, Miguel Damião, Rita Monteiro, Roxana Ionesco, Rui Neto, Tiago Bôto and Wagner Borges Assistant Producer Marília Maia e Moura and Joana Rodrigues
29 NOV, 7:00P.M.
Reading of Ασκήσεις για γερά γόνατα, Exercises for strong knees by Andreas Flourakis (EURODRAM)
The owner of a business, pressured by her teenage son’s behaviour, decides to fire one of her assistants in the wake of the necessity to implement austerity policies. The two workers – THE GIRL AND THE MAN – islands of egotism, of egotistical individualism, reach the limit to try to keep their jobs.
A cruel, harsh, ironic and sarcastic approach – though not exempt from poetical traces of affection – to the violence of work relationships and, generically, human relationship, in times of crisis.
José António Costa Ideias
Written by Andreas Flourakis Translation by José António Costa Ideias Reading Coordinator Ana Palma Acting Ana Palma, Afonso Molinar, Carla Bolito, Miguel Damião and Rita Monteiro Assistant Producer Marília Maia e Moura and Joana Rodrigues
30 NOV, 7:00P.M.
Reading of Ομηριάδα, Homeriad (Tryptic: Odysseus – Ithaca – Homer) by Dimitris Dimitriadis
Through a process of personal rewriting of the Homeric epic (Odyssey) in three poetic “moments” (the tryptic – Homer – Ithaca – Odysseus) [2003-2006], Dimitriadis’ hybrid, changing logos causes the myth to waver, challenges it, subverts it in such a mobile and changing approach (read it as criticism to the “crisis”) as that of an island. Island-texts: could they be theatrical monologues? “Poems” of mythological inspiration? Or could they be instead a postmodern poetic gesture?
The useless question, being that Dimitriadis’ language does not allow a genre definition, belonging to the hybridization of certain contemporary forms of European dramatic writing. Dimitris Dimitriadis completely refuses, therefore, interpretations of the myth that are connected to tradition in rigid and idealizing categories, being that those readings crystalize in an oppressive way the myth potential.
José António Costa Ideias
Written by Dimítris Dimitriádis Translation by José António Costa Ideias Reading Coordinator Maria João Vicente Acting Maria João Vicente, Miguel Damião and Rui Neto Assistant Producer Marília Maia e Moura and Joana Rodrigues
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